ServiceNow HAM: Take Control and Manage Your Hardware Assets

How can we take control and manage our assets better? and what exactly is ServiceNow’s HAM?
First, let’s break down the acronym barrier and give you a bit more context on what ServiceNow is. HAM is “Hardware Asset Management” It is a module that is
available from ServiceNow’s (ITAM) “IT Asset Management” package which extends the core Asset Management capabilities and introduces some powerful features such as end-end automation and a host of other innovative features that can really help increase asset data accuracy and process efficiencies throughout the asset lifecycle.

We will be only touching on the (ITAM) HAM module but I would highly recommend taking a look at what else is available in ServiceNow’s (ITAM) package as it is equipped with some seriously powerful tools at its disposal. more on (ITAM) can be found right here!

Ok, so we know HAM is part of ServiceNow’s (ITAM) and extends the core of ServiceNow’s asset management but what exactly does this mean for your business?
and what value does ServiceNow’s HAM deliver to your organisation?

The goal of this article is to give you a high-level look into why your organisation should consider an Asset Management HAM implementation, highlighting key benefits and common pain points heard across many industries and how ServiceNow HAM is built to tackle these particular issues.

This article is not only targeted at current customers but also potential new customers that are looking into the ServiceNow platform, we hope after this article you are inspired to start your very own digital journey with HAM to further push forward your organisation to achieve operational excellence!

What does HAM do?

Here we have an overview of what a HAM implementation can bring to your organisation, also listed are some common pain points that are felt across many industries all suffering from the same issues.

We have summarised the key benefits that an HAM implementation can give back to your organisation showing you the value that it delivers.

Overview of ServiceNow’s Hardware Asset Management (HAM)

HAM Hardware Asset Management helps organisations create and maintain an accurate inventory of their IT hardware assets and ensures that they are used efficiently and effectively by providing complete end-to-end asset visibility, and accurate insights to help reduce asset costs and risk by incorporating automated asset workflows that ensure an effective hardware asset management lifecycle. It allows you to govern all your hardware assets enterprise-wide on a single system of action, use leading-practice workflows to proactively feed the business with critical data, align hardware investments to business outcomes, and quickly identify and mitigate technology risks. HAM involves managing physical assets like PCs, printers, laptops, mobile devices, and servers used for data management.

Some key benefits that an ITAM HAM implementation can do for your business

Common pain points

Roughly 21% of IT Budgets are for Hardware!

Source: IDC ITC Global forecasting 2018 – 2023

As you can see from the above quote, hardware still takes a large portion of the organisation’s budget, this is where (ITAM) HAM can help you make better-informed decisions on spending, resource utilisation and allocation, take a look at some of the benefits below!

Key benefits from HAM

The ITAM lifecycle through HAM

Tracking the ITAM lifecycle of an asset is a crucial key component to reaching operational excellence within an organisation, automating that process further increases the efficiency and drives back the value by decreasing the repetition and risks from manual processes when tracking the asset through its various stages. ServiceNow’s ITSM Asset Management is an excellent foundation for managing your assets, HAM takes that strong foundation and builds upon it with automated business crucial workflows and processes.

From the day the asset is “Fulfilled” HAM’s automation will track the asset through its various stages of life until the day the asset “Retires”, saving you time, reducing company spending and decreasing the risks associated with manual asset management, furthermore pushing better resource utilisation and allocation whilst decreasing the loss of assets, leading you to make more confident impactful decisions based from data you can trust!

Benefits of tracking the lifecycle through automation:

In this diagram, Clockwise we illustrate the stages which an asset goes through from the “Request” stage to “Fulfil” and “Retire” for an asset.

ServiceNow Hardware Asset Management Capabilities

This diagram, Lists the capabilities of each module from ITSM Asset Management and HAM Hardware Asset Management

ServiceNow plays nice with your existing software!

You might already have a management solution in place but you find that it’s siloed or you want it to do more, ServiceNow plays nice with your existing software! find out more on how you’re third-party software can integrate with ServiceNow ITAM HAM here

We can help you!

TCloud an xAmplify Company has built a strong foundation in ServiceNow Asset Management, our consultants have years of industry experience and are highly skilled to help elevate and deliver crucial business-changing projects to a broad range of industries, our continued stronghold in this space and a plethora of happy customers all achieving operational excellence is a testament to all the great work we do! We look forward to working with you!

Click the Let’s Connect button below to get in contact with one of our friendly consultants to kick-start your digital journey!
If you would like to find out more about ServiceNow’s HAM capabilities follow the link here